Welcome to my page dedicated to Final Fantasy XIV! I have been playing this game since 2021 and I consider it a special interest of sorts with how passionate I can get regarding the game's lore and writing.
It would be more accurate to say this page is a hub for my FFXIV ocs! They are very dear to me and I pour a lot of my heart and soul into them. I have fun building their characters and I hope you come to enjoy them as much as I do :)
I recently made a new character because I wanted to re-experience the story all over again (I unfortunately don't remember much of Shadowbringers, for example). Consider me a complete noob. If you'd like to help me on my adventure, or just bug me in game, you can find me through the lodestone!
ENTRY #003.
Figuring out this modding stuff wasn't so hard after all :) look at what I managed to accomplish! F'howl looks so good with this hairstyle.

ENTRY #002.
F'howl Kuhnn finished A Realm Reborn's patch quests. Wow, never have I thought I would re-experience bloody banquet again. Yes I was emotionally destroyed again. I couldn't remember all the details of what led up to it, so seeing it happen all over again made me sooo uneasy the whole time. I knew what was going to happen. The game was very good at hinting that there was something wrong going on but everything seemed so perfectly normal that it was hard to pinpoint what exactly was wrong. God, all of the Scions sacrificing themselves just for the WOL to presevere was so good too. My only concern now is how the game is going to explain the exacts of what happened because from my memory, it barely went into that in heavensward (since HW heavily focuses on the dragon conflict anyways).I am working on putting up F'howl's page as soon as I am able. She goes through a good bit of development during this point in the game (well, mostly just her relapsing into bad habits until Fray smacks the sense back into her). I have to level up dark knight to 50 (I think I prefer the feel of it over warrior, something about not having your damage up buff attack thingy not be restricted to a combo action and instead it can be used any time as long as you have enough mp for it feels nice) before continuing with the MSQ, as well as give F'howl a brand new glam for HW and a haircut. Much to do...!
Currently I am learning how to mod the game. Learning blender stuff, textools... all of that. It was confusing at first but I think I kind of sort of got the hang of it? I wanted to do a simple edit to a vanilla mashup mod I found for the modern legends + styled for hire hair. It basically replaced the back of the modern legends hair with styled for hire's hair, but I don't like the braids so I was learning how to get rid of them! Fits F'howl much better (I think the pointed back of the hair was silly and I did plan to simply draw her without it until I found the mod).
ENTRY #001.
F'howl Kuhnn finished A Realm Reborn. I decided to take a break after finishing to focus on other things... but I'll very likely get started on the patch quests soon. I'm super excited for Heavensward. I did not like ARR when I first played honestly but that was when there were a bajillion fetch quests that made it annoying to get through.I don't remember there being a weapon of light thing at the end in the cutscene you get after beating Lahabrea? Maybe that was always there but I was like WOAHHH Waittt this happens in SHB. And then when I finished ultima weapon and went back to the waking sands I got so emotional over seeing the guy from the beginning of the game (the one who brings you to your starting city) cheering you on.